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Our Voices
Writing along side Kynda Faythe for the past four years has been nothing short of incredibly inspiring, absolutely bonkers, and wonderfully delightful! I remember our brainstorming sessions my freshman year about the creative writing class that came to fruition within the next two years. I truly couldn't have asked for a better role model, editor, publisher, teacher, and friend.
Beetle Hatch,
Eye Opening Epoch
Thank you for continuing to cheerlead me through attaining my dream of
becoming a writer. I am grateful that you accept my first drafts on good old ink and paper and that you bleed red, pink, purple or blue all over those first submissions. It is so
satisfying to see where I can grow and expand as a writer in a colorful way.
E.E. Kelly
Funeral Dinner Committee Coup,
Tales of Mischievous Follies
I'm so grateful to have Faythe as a teacher. For the longest time I gave up writing due to fear of not being good enough and a lack of confidence. Taking this class was scary to me at first, but having her as a teacher has made me 10000x more confident!
Thank you for bringing my love of writing back! <3
Charlotte Price
Creative Writing Student
Faythe Publishing inc. helped me to understand what my academic writing was lacking and shaped me into a better writer.
Working with Faythe helped me with brainstorming,
organizing my ideas, and talking with others. This led me to having great conversations with my dad. That was an unexpected bonus!
Cate Nembhard,
30 Days of Flower People
Abrahm Blaes
Return Editing Customer
Writing in Ms. Faythe's class is magical, in every sense of the word. She creates such a wonderful environment of acceptance and support. Any written work brought to her is sure to receive avid encouragement."
Abigail Shepherd,
Finding Light